Friday, January 29, 2010

UM Reports Delay

UM Reports enhancements have been delayed.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

FY11 Budget Instructions

FY11 budget instructions are out for academic units.
See attached.  Soon I will send an email to relevant units requesting the usual information (ISO info, units with non-standard tuition/fees, etc.).  DJP


Friday, January 22, 2010

RRC Summary -- January 2010

January RRC Meeting summary:
RRC 2010-01-20.doc

January RRC Meeting summary:

RRC 2010-01-20.doc

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Pivot Tables in Excel 2007

Learn to Create Pivot Tables in Excel 2007
We held a tutorial on using pivot tables in Excel 2007 on Jan 8th.  To assist those who could not attend, Katherine and I created a step-by-step guide that goes through the examples we worked through as a group.  It is very detailed, and I expect that people who have never done a pivot table will be able to work through these examples.

If you have interest in this Excel functionality, please go through this document.  After doing that, if you feel it would be beneficial to have another pivot table session, let me know and we'll schedule something if there is sufficient demand.  Good luck!  DJP

Pivot Tables Step-By-Step.pdf

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

IT EFS Access Roles

This file reflects staff EFS roles for each IT unit as of December 2009.  Change requests should be routed to Jay Delaney.
IT EFS Access Roles.xls
Per Jay Delaney's 1/6/10 email:


Central sent out a file of every University employee's EFS access role. 
I have edited the file to just reflect the Institute of Technology.  The
file has been posted to our collegiate blog at:

The first tab contains a list of approvers who have left the University
but are still listed as approvers in the ChartField attributes of the

The second tab contains all the non-central roles held by end users of
the system. Please review the access held by each individual in your
unit.  Some people have Origin codes associated with them that may not
be accurate. If the person holds a role in the procurement area,
updating the Origin code has an impact on that person's ability to work
transactions that are still not fully processed/complete. Those marked
as "pending delete" have transactions that are not yet fully processed.

The third tab contains all of the approvers for each DeptID. The fourth
tab contains a format to use if you find that you'd like to rearrange
the approvers for one or more DeptIDs (provided the users already have
the appropriate roles).

Any updates to erroneous Origin codes, rearrangements of existing
approvers, or access removals can be requested via email from the
cluster director.  New access for an existing user or for a completely
new user requires an access request form (ARF).  Please review the file
and identify changes that need to be made.  Whether you are utilizing
the format in the fourth tab or completing an ARF and access forms, send
your changes to my attention, Jay Delaney, or IT Dean's
Office, 105 Walter Library, Mail Code 3731.  I will collect and forward
them onto Central.  EFS access changes are due end of the day,
Wednesday, January 20, 2010.

Thank you,


IT EFS Access Roles.xls