Thursday, June 14, 2018

Finance policies on 30-day review

If you haven't already seen it, please review the message below from the Controller's Office.  There are some big changes in the policies.  DJP

Controller's Office
The new Business Expenses policy and changes made to the policy Hospitality & Entertainment of Non-Employees policy are up for 30 day review.

The new Business Expenses policy pertains to expenses that involve employees only. The Cell Phone and Business Data Plan policy will be retired, since its contents have been rolled into the Business Expenses policy. The Hospitality & Special Expenses policy has been renamed to Hospitality & Entertainment of Non-Employees and all employee related expenses moved to the new Business Expense policy.

Comments are due by July 5, 2018. To view these policies visit the Policy website:

Information Sessions

Brown bag information sessions about these policies have been scheduled for after the review period and are open to anyone who wishes to attend, though registration is required. A WebEx attendance option is available. 
Additional sessions will be scheduled if needed and announced via the RRC-L, EFS Cluster Director, and FSUN General Membership listservs.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Budget entry deadline reminder

This is a reminder that budgets are due to be submitted to the Dean's Office in EFS by this Thursday morning (6/7).  I've pasted the original message below.  Thanks, DJP

The Budget Office recently released the FY19 budget entry instructions:

In addition, the link below is to a CSE budget entry best practices document, which has been expanded from last year's version.  Please review it and follow the guidance.  For FY19, we will be reviewing departmental budget details after budgets are submitted to the college.  In cases where the best practice guidance does not meet your needs, please discuss with Cathy Burke in advance.

CSE budget entry best practices:

Budgets are due to be submitted in EFS to the Dean's Office by 8AM Thursday, June 7th, 2018.