Friday, February 18, 2011

RRC Summary 2/16/2011

See attached summary of February's RRC meeting:  

RRC Meeting Summary -
February 16, 2011

Budget:  The Governor's budget proposal included a
6% cut to the University from its FY12 base. 
This would be an increase over the FY11 appropriated amount.  However, it is unlikely that the University
will receive this level of state funding, and the University is continuing to
proceed within the current FY12 budget framework which models a much larger
reduction in state support.

COA updates:  Attached is a list of proposed FY12 changes
to the chart of accounts.  If you have
strong feelings about any of them, please let me and/or Emily Larson know.

Cost share functions:  Per central guidance in January, you are
encouraged to align the program and project function codes in cost share

RRC 2011-02-16.doc

Proposed account changes.pdf

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Budgeting in EFS

FY12 budgeting changes -- 
I don't know if this was sent to everyone or just RRC managers, so I'm posting it.  Please see attached for a list of system changes for EFS budget entry.  DJP

EFS Budget Entry System Changes for FY12.doc

Cost Share Functions

Information on changing programs/function codes for cost share:  
Per Katherine Lindsay:

Enclosed are two documents that were discussed at the administrator's meeting on Friday, Feb. 11th. 


They include:

1) Original January 18th memo that was sent to GMUN listserv regarding Cost Share Function Code changes.

2) Presentation that provides resources and an approach for
administering the changes in the system via the FY12 budget prep process
and Position Budgeting.

            *Thanks to Leslie Ashton, School Public Health
Accountant II, for providing screen shots / 'known cs'
examples.   Slides were taken from the SPA Symposium IV 'Working Magic:
Managing a Grant in Cycles' session that we co-presented on Feb. 8th.



Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Budget Instructions

For those of you who need to reference the FY12 University budget instructions...

See attached.

Academic Unit Budget Planning Guidelines-FY12-1.doc