Thursday, February 20, 2014

RRC notes -- 2/19/14

There was an RRC meeting on 2/19/2014.   
Fringe Simplification:  A new methodology will be implemented for calculating fringe in FY15.  Over time, it will be a simplification, but the transition will be a challenge.  Other than the academic rate, all fringe rates will go down.  (Academic will go up slightly.)  While the rates will decline, the base will grow.  For example, the same rate will apply to full-time and part-time employees. 

The change has a neutral impact University-wide, but units will be impacted differently based upon their mixes of employees.  O&M allocations will be adjusted to account for the new methodology, and the Dean's Office will examine the impact on other non-sponsored funds.  More details will follow on this topic.

FFATA:  Federal law requires the University to report on orders $25K+ on federal contracts (not grants).  Vendors must fill out a form, and central wants CAs to hold off on approving such transactions until the form is returned because some vendors have been unwilling to comply.  Purchasing runs queries to find these transactions, and they work with the vendor to get the form filled out. 

New Account Values:  There will be new payroll account values added for FY15 (see attached).  Some changes are required by fringe simplification and the HRMS upgrade, and other changes were requested by a joint central/user work group to ease reporting on certain employee groups.

new account codes FY15.pdf

ESUP:  The go-live date for the upgrade will be in February 2015.  The project was working toward an unofficial target of October 2014, but based upon recent analysis a February go-live date presents many advantages.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

ISO Information for Budget Submission

ISO information for the collegiate budget submission is due to the Dean's Office by March 7th.

Friday, February 7, 2014

CSE Fee Deadline

The fee submission deadline in CSE is March 21, 2014. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

FY15 Budget Instructions

The FY15 Budget Instructions are posted on the Budget Office website.