RRC 2013-04-17.doc
RRC Meeting Summary -April
17, 2013
Legislative update: The legislature continues to consider
University of Minnesota funding levels for the next biennium. We are unlikely to have a final appropriation
until sometime in May.
27 pay-periods: The next fiscal year with 27 pay periods
is FY21. Beginning in FY14, central will
begin collecting funds each year, so by FY21 most of the money will be
available for the 27th paycheck for hourly employees (CS/BU). Salaried employees will have their annual pay
divided over 27 reduced paychecks in FY21, so there will not be an additional
cost to the University for these employees.
See attached for details on the new process.
U-Market update: U-Market will go live in FY14. It will be piloted in CSE beginning in
early/mid-May. Job aids and training
will be available in CSE prior to the pilot.
Imaging by email: Central is rolling out imaging by email
to the entire University. It is voluntary;
documents can still be sent to central for imaging. CSE has been participating in the pilot for
this activity. See attached for further