Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New Budget Module Functionality

Before budgeting in EFS this year, please see attached.  
The Budget Module has new functionality this year.  Please use the attachment as a reference when you are budgeting in EFS.

FY13 Budget Prep - New Functionality 2012-04-03.pdf

Monday, March 26, 2012

RRC notes -- 03-21-2012

There was an RRC meeting 03/21/2012.  

RRC Meeting Summary -March
21, 2012

Do not use the Upload or
Refresh HR Data buttons until you read a soon-to-be-released job aid from the
Budget Office. 

The change to a $5,000
capital equipment threshold will not go into effect until July 1, 2013, i.e.
about 14 months from now.

TIP:  The TIP charge process is being
eliminated in FY13.  RRC managers will
have the responsibility of maintaining appropriate cash balances with budget
office oversight.  FY13 will be a trial
year to see if eliminating TIP fines will work. 
I will have more information in the coming weeks about how we will
manage this in CSE.

Cell Phone Allowance
The University's cell phone
allowance policy is undergoing revision. 
Everything from eliminating the subsidy to modifying the amounts and
documentation requirements is under consideration.  Look for more to come on this.

EFS Upgrade:  All three PeopleSoft systems (HR,
Student, Finance) need to be upgraded in the next 2-3 years.  The upgrade of the three systems will be a
major effort, and it will be an opportunity to make improvements.  Fitz will soon convene a Functional Steering
Committee to work with central on EFS upgrade issues.  The target date for the EFS upgrade is July 1,
2014.  Student and HR may go as early as
Jan 1, 2014.  These dates are subject to
change.  An RFP for an implementation
partner will go out shortly.

Carryforward Balances
This fall, the Budget Office
will be doing a survey of end-of-FY12 carryforward balances.  Keep this in mind as you make year-end
adjustments and corrections, as it will be easier to complete the survey if
your accounts are cleaned up.

Course Fees:  Attached is a DRAFT document from the
Budget Office with updated definitions and guidelines regarding course
fees.  Nothing will be final unless and
until the Regents approve changes.

RRC 2012-03-21.doc

fees draft.pdf

Monday, March 19, 2012

ISO and External Sales meeting

Reminder:  There will be an ISO/External Sales meeting this Friday (3/23).   

Monday, March 12, 2012

Budget training

There will be three different opportunities for budget training in the upcoming months.