Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Shutting down chartstrings midyear

Upon request, central will close chartstrings midyear.  

Match Transfer Policy

As discussed at the 10/18 admin meeting, future CSE matches will be transferred to program code SEMCH.  

Thursday, October 17, 2013

ISO certification forms are past due

FY14 ISO certification forms were due Sept. 30th.

Central requires an ISO certification form to be filed every fiscal year for every ISO.  They were due on Sept. 30th.  My signature is required before they go to central, and, to date, I have received very few.  If you are responsible for overseeing ISOs, please get the form filled out and to me for signature ASAP.  I attached a blank version to this post.  DJP


RRC notes -- 10/16/13

There was an RRC meeting on 10/16/13.