Monday, September 20, 2010

RRC Summary 9-15-2010

RRC summary:  
Summary from the September RRC meeting attached and below:

RRC 2010-09-15.doc

RRC Meeting Summary -
September 15, 2010



Closed projects:  On Sept. 26th
a report will be generated by SFR listing all closed projects where the cost
share hasn't been funded.  The list will
go to me, and I will distribute it to departments with projects on the
list.  We will have about two weeks to process
JEs to fund the cost share on these projects.


Budget Framework:  The Board
of Regents will review and approve the University's budget request in October/November.  We won't know much about the next biennial budget
until we reach two milestones - the election and the new governor's budget
(early February).

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Query Presentation

Presentation from the 9/7 accounting meeting:
Katherine's presentation from the 9/7/10 accounting meeting is attached.  It contains copy/pastable language to run several queries in the data warehouse, as well as general information on running queries and links to several useful resources.  DJP