Monday, March 29, 2010

Budget Instructions

Budget entry deadline:  June 4.
The collegiate budget must be submitted to central by June 11.  The deadline for IT units to submit their budgets in EFS is one week earlier, June 4.  This will allow time for the Dean's Office to review budgets and resolve any issues in time to make central's deadline.

If you have not yet reviewed the University's FY11 Budget Prep Instructions (link is given in previous blog post), please take a look at them prior to beginning budget entry.  Some areas on which to focus:

Position Budgeting -- p. 19
Combo Codes -- p.20
Budget Reports -- p. 23-24
Significant dates -- p.27
Fringe rates -- p.28

I believe additional information will come from central soon regarding budgeting for the 27th payperiod, the furlough, and raises.  As soon as we receive further details, I will let you know how IT will handle these issues in FY11 (e.g. what will be reflected in final FY11 allocations vs. post-budget transfers).  DJP