Tuesday, February 21, 2012

RRC notes -- 2/15/2012

There was an RRC meeting on 2/15/2012. 

RRC Meeting Summary -
Feb. 15, 2012

Safety Fund:  There is a central fund to support
improvements in workplace safety - the University Safety Fund.  If you are considering such projects or
purchases, you can apply for funds via the form at this link: 


EFS Structural Review
Some of us on the EFS
Structure Review Committee provided an update on our recommendations regarding
COA and combo codes.  I also did this at
the recent CSE admin meeting.  The
committee will next turn to workflow issues in EFS.

Budget Entry:  Please see attached document for important
improvements and changes to the Budget Entry module.

Fee Management System:  A new fee request system is under
development.  For FY13, we will continue
to use the old system (for the last time). 

budget entry 2012-13.pdf

RRC 2012-02-15.doc