Some courses related to The Upgrade are now available for the Finance
community! If you would like to share this with those in your units who
work with these functions, please feel free to do so. Next week we will
send an email directly to those who hold access in EFS to prepare JEs or
Budget Journals to alert them to the training.
Chartfield Request
This online course provides instructions to request a new chartfield in
the financial system. Participants will learn what chartfields can be
requested and how to use the new screens for this purpose.
*RRC contacts and cluster directors should review this soon to aid in
ensuring the right people have access to this function--JE preparers
will receive access by default.
Journal Entry Upload
This online course provides an overview of the upgraded journal entry
upload screens.
* For those with access to upload JEs into EFS.
Journal Entry New Features for Upgrade
This online course provides an overview of the upgraded journal entry
* For Journal Entry preparers.
Budget Journals in Commitment Control
This online course provides an overview of the upgraded budget journal
* For Budget Journal preparers.
Budget Journal Upload
/This online course provides instructions for using the upload feature
to process multiple budget journal requests at once./
* For those with access to upload Budget Journals into EFS.
Need to run a report about what training your employees may have completed?
There's a Training History report in UM Reports that can be run by
employee or college/admin unit.
Do work in the student system (Campus Solutions)?
Mark your calendars: just-in-time training will be available December 15.
All employees: faculty, staff, and student workers
While you're preparing for The Upgrade, view the sneak peek videos about
the University's change from paper timesheets and absence forms to
electronic reporting. It's essential that University employees and
supervisors become familiar with electronic reporting and approval to
ensure that employees are paid on time and can take vacation and other
absences.The change will affect almost everyone who works at the
University, except those in University Services, Auxiliary Services, and
the Veterinary Medical Hospital, who will continue using KRONOS and
other software. To view the new sneak peek videos, go to:
* Electronic Absence Reporting(essential for all salaried and hourly
employees) http://z.umn.edu/sneakpeekabse
* Electronic Time Reporting(essential for all hourly employees and
student workers) http://z.umn.edu/hrmseltimerpt
* Approving Electronic Time and Absence Reporting(essential for all
staff and faculty who supervise employees)