Friday, May 29, 2015


Budgets are due soon.
Budgets are due to the Dean's Office by June 5th.  Please refer back to my post of 4/21 for some key points about FY16 budgeting.  I specifically want to call out a couple of reminders.  

Enhanced budget checking will begin in the new fiscal year, and how you budget will have an enormous impact on how smoothly that change goes for you.  See the budget instructions and my 4/21 post for more.

Cathy will be entering 27th pay period budgets, as directed by central, in accounts 700800/710800.  Please do not change any of the entries that you'll see in these accounts.  The actual 27th ppd job will be based on a pay period in FY16, but for budgeting purposes we are to use FY15 information.