We have a new web form for you to begin using to initiate hiring actions and position changes. This (https://docs.google.com/ forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_ M4AoCZBdvB1VdPP- jXvSoBmpiubpWSDChUAWG4GLINWWxw /viewform) is the place to start for: Creating all new positions, Modifying all existing positions, and Hiring actions for job codes other than those that we have exempted from this process, which are described on the first screen of the form.
Because it is the one place to go for multiple requests, there are questions that lead you down a tree to the right data-collection screen. We've tried to limit what we're asking for to only the necessary information to make the position management changes that you need, plus one justification box that is only necessary when you are requesting a new hire that adds to your departmental headcount and that is not in an instructional/research job code or a post/pre doc or grad/undergrad student employee or temp/casual.
The only actions that need Dean's Office approval are adding to headcount outside of the jobs listed immediately above. For cases that you consider a refill, we will review to be sure we concur that the situation is indeed a refill -- it's not always straightforward. As long as we agree that it is a refill of an existing position, there will be no scrutiny of your decision to refill, so you do not need to explain why you are refilling. If the reason you consider it to be a refill is not obvious, then please do elaborate on why you think it should be viewed as a refill of an existing position.
This is how we plan to move ahead indefinitely, subject to tweaks we make after everyone is using it and can provide feedback. Please send your input on the process and form to Cathy Burke.